Season 3 - Episode 9 - Holidays in the Biz
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Cousin Bill 0:01
From the books and podcast one, this is give them the business boot CEO John Tabis, news girl Katie Rotolo and me, cousin bill.
Baby. benzo under the tree, army 98 convertible library, like you, so hurry down,the grimy today given the biz podcast with your host, the Admiral of the Allegheny kiski Valley, the titans of the tulips, the JT that didn't do the voice for Simba and Lion King, our captain, my cousin john, to have this Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, what's
John Tabis 0:54
fair? Let's be fair. I could have done the voice for JT in line. He could have cut it. I
Cousin Bill 0:59
didn't know. I mean, that was pretty big.
John Tabis 1:03
I was seven. Seven, I
Cousin Bill 1:06
think. I thought I thought you were snubbed.
Unknown Speaker 1:08
I could have done it. I mean, I you know, I threw
Cousin Bill 1:10
my hat in the rails for the for orange.
John Tabis 1:13
Like Listen, guys, here's my resume. I got I got
Cousin Bill 1:16
a resume. Oh, seven.
John Tabis 1:18
Yeah, it was there's a lot of extensive voiceover. So I'll go through my skills. Seven. I'm ready. P Excel. 2000. filmmaking. You don't know what that is. That was actually the first video camera made where you made the video on a tape. Black and white tape.
Cousin Bill 1:36
Yeah, the cassette tape. You know, relics?
Unknown Speaker 1:45
No, I had an investment requirement.
Katie Rotolo 1:47
My favorite VHS tape. Actually, my mom's still owns
Unknown Speaker 1:52
what is that?
Katie Rotolo 1:54
spice world?
John Tabis 1:57
Not a bit a better answer.
Katie Rotolo 2:00
They were my first live concert.
John Tabis 2:05
I think I have I probably have 25 VHS tapes still? Yeah. of like things
Unknown Speaker 2:11
do you have?
John Tabis 2:12
I don't know where they are. No. But I have tapes.
Cousin Bill 2:16
Sure. somewhere. It's actually hard to get them turned into like, Wait and watch. Wait, what's up, Kenny?
John Tabis 2:22
Hello. How are you?
Katie Rotolo 2:23
It's great.
John Tabis 2:26
How about you? Cousin bill?
Cousin Bill 2:27
I am just thrilled to be here.
Unknown Speaker 2:30
Are you gonna say immediately? Oh? No. Okay,
Cousin Bill 2:35
back from Boston going back tomorrow, but happy to be here with you guys tonight. Finally. Yeah, man, it's
John Tabis 2:40
gonna be hard to be a Pittsburgh guy in Boston,
Cousin Bill 2:42
right? It is. It's a little tough. I do have the penguins to fall back on though when they start talking about the people
John Tabis 2:47
and you have the awesomeness of what I understand are like your amazing bosses and crew and team at the wall burgers in the like. Mark Wahlberg is like the awesome is dude. And Donnie Wahlberg is the awesome this guy and like the whole people are awesome as people.
Cousin Bill 3:01
Yeah, it'd be it would be a lot harder to do my job if I didn't like the people around me.
John Tabis 3:05
Yeah, for sure. But good to see everybody back in the same room.
Cousin Bill 3:08
Yeah, so very thankful.
John Tabis 3:10
We're getting into this season. We're like, right before Christmas time. We're in the busiest shopping time of the year where everyone's spending cray cray money in lots of different places. I'm sorry, what
Cousin Bill 3:22
is your cray cray money?
John Tabis 3:23
It's 98 convertible. Whatever we're gonna do here Okay, Russell. Oh, come on.
Katie Rotolo 3:32
Where's that ejack button
John Tabis 3:34
should we go? Should we go back to our equality?
Cousin Bill 3:36
John Tabis 3:37
sorry. No, no, we shouldn't I don't know. But my point being that like, while while I love the religious undertones of the of the holiday seasons, my family celebrates a version of that and many others celebrate others. It is a massive time for business. How like how busy Have you been both shopping? Have you been shopping yet? Are you waiting? Are you doing it in person are you doing it online? Like what's going on?
Cousin Bill 4:05
I am the worst I wait until basically Christmas Eve I go to the mall and do my Christmas shopping you're one of those I am there's nobody there
Katie Rotolo 4:13
it's no really yeah
John Tabis 4:15
your most your family doesn't live where you live so how does that even work logistically
Cousin Bill 4:19
cuz I go to where they are for Chris you don't have to pack it pack anything I just go to the mall and I get something or I have it mailed like last year did Amazon Yeah. Huh Do you do
Katie Rotolo 4:29
a lot of presence?
Cousin Bill 4:31
No, I have seven other things yeah, two nieces and five nephew so expense?
John Tabis 4:36
Yeah, you gotta get like the latest like beyblades
Cousin Bill 4:38
we Yeah, we recently what Transformers? Yeah, we recently instituted a thing where each of us gets a pick a name out of a hat and we each get one of the kids something. I get enough from there.
John Tabis 4:50
So the adults are out of it completely. Like there's no adult give gift giving it all
Cousin Bill 4:54
Yeah, no, we do we do. Okay, but for the kids, it's like to buy seven gift wrap Relative 40
John Tabis 5:01
Oh, that's funny. It's interesting. We did the opposite. So we did. Everyone gives the kids every I mean, it's ridiculous. Yeah, we have a 7000 square foot house in Venice. And it's 80% full of crap from China. Yes, we know we literally tonight talk to my kids, I said, Hey, if Santa is going to come, there's got to be space for stuff. So we started, pick what you want to give up. And they started putting these in the bag that we give to Goodwill and out to the next to the next generation. Well,
Katie Rotolo 5:30
after the holidays, actually,
John Tabis 5:32
well, that's what I was gonna say. I thought that's where bill was gonna go. He's a December 26 guy.
Katie Rotolo 5:38
With with giving away stuff, though, that like sites like thread up and a lot of these secondhand sites that they actually see huge spikes, even in designer stuff still with tags on it, because people just get too much stuff. And
John Tabis 5:50
yeah, like, I mean, I wouldn't say that my family is that well off, like compared to the World War. Great, right? Black Plague, right? We've already gone through this lesson. But we're great. But we're not rich, like a rich family. And at the same time, we all look at each other, we kind of go like every year we're kind of like, like, What in the world would I actually ever need? Like, what do you need? No one needs anything in this family, really. And we struggle to find things for itself. So we had to was we all draw names out of a hat for one adult for one adult, and we have a maximum you can spend but then everyone just showers the kids with stuff because it's like, it's stuff is cheap, too. Yeah, it's like my son, I can buy him a gx Pokemon pack for $11. And it's like he won the lottery or eleventy billion.
Katie Rotolo 6:39
Yeah, right. We're shopping for an adult can be Yeah, he's just like, he has everything. Yes.
John Tabis 6:43
He's just like, because because the Delta for me or, or anyone in the family is like from 100 bucks to 1000. Like 1000 means something. But 100 bucks is like, it's nice, right? But like, no one's gonna drop 1000 bucks on the family marks. No
Cousin Bill 6:58
one has it right? Yeah.
John Tabis 7:00
No, it hasn't. So we set we set the limit at 100 bucks. And so all the adults give each other $100 presents and get a nice
Katie Rotolo 7:07
gift. And you only have to buy one, right?
John Tabis 7:09
We're all struggling to figure out what that is like I spent the last week and a half. And if you're like what could I actually use? And here?
Katie Rotolo 7:18
Is it like a secret Santa? Or do you tell the person what you want?
John Tabis 7:20
It's supposed to be secret, but it's not. Everyone just tells you.
Unknown Speaker 7:24
Hey, this is what I want a box on Amazon
John Tabis 7:26
supposed to be a big secret. And then like, you know, my sister tells my wife like, Well, I have my brother. So what does he want? And then it just comes back? You know? Yeah, we're breaking the rules. But you have I'm not gonna kiss. How can I ever
Cousin Bill 7:39
Yeah, the rules are rules.
John Tabis 7:41
Never to do that overtly. You have to do it. Behind the scenes. Yeah, family on someone's back. But my wife says to me, she's like, Well, I know what you need. And I was like, what's that? She's like, you need headphones. So you can watch the game or the show or the whatever in bed with me. Instead of watching it downstairs away from me. And I was like, Okay, I can actually get on board with that. Like, that's a win
Katie Rotolo 8:01
win for everyone time with you. She wants to be present.
John Tabis 8:04
My wife thinks that it's physically important to be close when she goes to bed. And I don't disagree, except that I like to go to bed at 2am. And she likes to go to bed at 1030. Yeah, just were made with different clocks. Yeah. And so I was kind of like this massive when not gonna watch Westworld. And like, watch all the disaster. And like romance. And she's sleeping. Oh, awesome. Yeah, right. That's like, that's great. Oh, nice suggestion. So what's on your Christmas list? What's on the list? Tell me what your what's on your lists where you have
Katie Rotolo 8:37
a shopping list, because we didn't talk? Do you wanna hear about my shopping? Or my? Either one? Oh, um, well, so we really do a ton of shopping. So I do I have a goddaughter, who is very into science and cool stuff. So I usually find her last year I got her this cool. I don't know science project about the ocean. It was an experiment thing. And so she likes
John Tabis 9:02
a lot of STEM stuff nowadays. Yeah. Rock stem stuff.
Katie Rotolo 9:06
Yeah. So she likes a lot of those science and math type of things. So, so yeah, I'll get her something. But I don't buy a lot of gifts. Alex and I are big on Well, first of all, he's not a bit my, my husband, my new husband.
Unknown Speaker 9:20
Yay. It's
Cousin Bill 9:21
funny to say
Unknown Speaker 9:23
hello, world.
Katie Rotolo 9:24
I'm a husband. Um, but no, we he's not a big holiday person. He's never big, big been big on like, birthdays or holidays in general.
John Tabis 9:32
So he's less of a creature than you are. Yeah. So he's like,
Katie Rotolo 9:36
Oh, no, he's Oh, he's super Not at all.
Unknown Speaker 9:39
Yeah, no, no, no, don't. Oh, yeah.
John Tabis 9:41
So your greaser went from creaser to less than creaser. Yeah. With this marriage.
Katie Rotolo 9:47
Well, that's it. There's a there's a gap there. Oh, yeah. No, it hasn't. It's not like, oh, sorry, Jesus because of my marriage. No,
Unknown Speaker 9:57
I'm a JC Sorry.
Katie Rotolo 9:59
I'm a spiritual person and I have my beliefs. But I think like you said, similarly, like, I have my issues with the church I grew up in.
Unknown Speaker 10:09
I grew up in the Catholic Church.
John Tabis 10:10
Oh, yeah, lots of money in that church.
Katie Rotolo 10:12
So um, but yeah, I've gotten to different denominations over the years more Christian based more Methodist, even, which I found to be super accepting of all types of people. And really awesome, but no, we were not. We're not religious. Really.
Unknown Speaker 10:30
But what is the holiday celebration for you?
Katie Rotolo 10:34
He's so I like, I like tradition. And I like family getting together. I love food. I love cooking.
Unknown Speaker 10:40
I love having a moment together.
Katie Rotolo 10:45
I love the experience of it. And, and it's not to take away from, you know, certain traditions and religious acts aspects of it. And I think, you know, everybody has their own different things with their families. But yeah, we're, I love to cook. I love to have people over. So I just love an excuse to throw a party kind of thing, you know, whereas he's not really. But anyway, we so yeah, we like to kind of have people over and we make things for the holidays. So we actually, it's funny because he's a bartender.
Unknown Speaker 11:16
I'm wrong, please. You make 100% recyclable. He's an
Katie Rotolo 11:18
actor, but he's also my guess.
Unknown Speaker 11:20
Yeah, yeah.
Katie Rotolo 11:24
Wow, really quick, I'll get into what we make. But we've started doing this. I started doing this one year before we met, and then I showed it to him. And because he's a bartender, mixologist, it was just like, Oh, this is just what we're going to always give people. So we just make these basically, they're these really yummy liquor infusions. So whatever we buy, like a few handles of liquor,
John Tabis 11:46
this feels like God's work to me. If I want to talk about bringing God into the equation, just like, this is exactly what he's saying this
Katie Rotolo 11:55
wine, per se, but yeah, so we make these infusions with berries and all different kinds of things. And jello. Alex has gotten sure
Unknown Speaker 12:03
this girl Oh, no, no, no jello. Really?
Katie Rotolo 12:07
No, we're vegan. Oh,
John Tabis 12:09
wait, jello is not vegan. Hold up what's in what is not vegan in jello? I mean, I know it's all chemicals but like
Katie Rotolo 12:16
all not vegan.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
Artificial stuff that didn't actually exist in the world. So therefore,
Unknown Speaker 12:27
Unknown Speaker 12:28
bots are saying like, it's sugar.
Katie Rotolo 12:31
John Tabis 12:32
yeah. Katie, like rapidly googling like, what is in jello? No, I can prove to john
Katie Rotolo 12:37
No, I was looking at a funny meme that I was trying to find. But no, it's Yes, it's that's an animal product. But uh, anyway she is mixed. Yeah, or at but I also love to buy
Unknown Speaker 12:50
you have to buy the ingredients to make the stuff
Katie Rotolo 12:52
Yeah, but we use jars that we've either collected
Unknown Speaker 12:57
Cousin Bill 13:00
basically the reason it started was we wanted to I wanted to awesome yeah when there's so much better
Katie Rotolo 13:08
liquor Yeah, I can't wait to be in a jar you can recycle.
Unknown Speaker 13:11
Please do. But no, I
Cousin Bill 13:12
love Hey, Bill.
Unknown Speaker 13:13
What are you buying for people?
Cousin Bill 13:15
He's He's taking that liquor by the way. JOHN,
John Tabis 13:20
plastic things that are that are one use. Are you buying for your nephews right now? No,
Katie Rotolo 13:25
I'm buying some people some reusable tote bag.
Cousin Bill 13:28
There you go. Yeah,
Katie Rotolo 13:28
my grid. My gifts are all granola.
Unknown Speaker 13:33
I love I love you.
Unknown Speaker 13:34
I mean, no, God bless you. God
Unknown Speaker 13:37
bless you. Universe bless.
Katie Rotolo 13:41
experiences I think are really cool gift. in general. We
John Tabis 13:44
agree. And by the way, some
Katie Rotolo 13:46
of you've never done like jump out of an airplane.
John Tabis 13:48
Like you know, we have to give a quick shout out to our sponsors. Oh, yeah, we didn't do that. Including you know, the books company which is a very exponential gift. Yeah, at boost. com Bo u q s calm you can get live flowers, fresh flowers, wreaths, but an experiential gift to make your holidays sweeter. So please do it for your friends now matter? Yeah, absolutely. And that's actually I think, I think that's a little bit of what I read. And what I've spent time understanding about holiday gift giving is like giving things is important. And something that happens often. But giving experiences is becoming more and more the thing that is sort of the thing, right? So like, awesome, like
Unknown Speaker 14:26
you said, people have all that they can meet, right? We need to minimize and you know so much.
John Tabis 14:33
And that's what's going back to which is like my family is not that well off. Again, compared to the universe compared to the world. Yes. We're great. We have food, we have a house. We're not worried about any of those things.
Cousin Bill 14:45
Like john owns the house.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
Yeah, exactly. We have a small need some love. He
Katie Rotolo 15:04
he brought us
John Tabis 15:06
I did bring beer. And he did. It's all gone. I should have brought more apparently. But uh, but there's this like thing where I think experiences are becoming sort of the next wave of luxury where it's sort of like, Hey, I could have given you this watch or ring or sweater or whatever. Although By the way, what's up with the holiday sweaters that's going on so
Cousin Bill 15:32
we can john give us a gift at the beginning of this podcast never
Katie Rotolo 15:35
stops giving.
John Tabis 15:37
qualify for a second no one here gets paid anything. So we don't 33% of it was guilt.
Cousin Bill 15:49
With a smile on my face
John Tabis 15:50
67% love but bill got I think probably the greatest holiday sweater ever for a human because it's wiggum his his pug puppy who's here with us tonight sleeping
Katie Rotolo 16:00
here. I can't wait to get a picture of you holding that sweater.
John Tabis 16:03
Yeah. And wearing by the way. Who's the greatest ever? And then I found the twin to that with with a hoodie with antlers. And it lights up. It's the greatest gift I think I've ever given. I really thought the bills was the best. Yeah, and then and then Katie. pages. Check us out. So check out books calm at books. Calm be calm. Firestone. We're not drinking your beers tonight. But they're the best. So please bring them by. And and I am.
Katie Rotolo 16:36
I tap we tap that cake. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 16:39
we have it three to five over there.
Cousin Bill 16:42
We're doing the tour tonight.
John Tabis 16:43
We bought it. So yeah. White cow. Yeah. And so bill, tell us about your Christmas and how you're planning to buy and spend and where it's happening. And I like your last minute plan. I asked to honestly say like the most the most epic people are the people who decide that Christmas is actually like the 30th. And they they just tell their kids. That's when Warren and they buy everything on the 26th on the 26th to the 29th Yeah, and they're getting like 89% off on every
Katie Rotolo 17:13
year, especially the chocolate for the stockings. Oh,
John Tabis 17:16
amazing. Yeah, it's like such an amazing plan. And I've said to my wife, I'm like, why can't we just shift the date and we actually talked about it for a while when my son was like sub five banality six like he knows the calendar. Yeah. And he like he knows when like Christmas is right, but you could
Katie Rotolo 17:32
Oh, I guess cuz you guys.
Cousin Bill 17:37
Yeah, exactly.
Katie Rotolo 17:38
Yeah. Well, we, like I I've done in times where I go home to Florida and it's much cheaper a week
Cousin Bill 17:45
before. I
John Tabis 17:46
wonder when Mother Earth is bestowing upon you like some hemp based cloth. That's different than when Santa is coming to town. And it's not the 25th
Katie Rotolo 17:57
I'm really glad that you think that I'm wrapped in a hammock.
John Tabis 18:02
Imagine this bamboo, you know, this bamboo paper towels. Yes.
Katie Rotolo 18:06
So I ever brought them to show you guys what's
John Tabis 18:08
gonna happen. So, one more time.
Cousin Bill 18:13
I'm very similar to Katie. I like experiences and it sounds cheesy. But with our family, it was a huge cheeseball It's true.
John Tabis 18:22
I mean, he literally made a cheese like he eats 85% just one Christmas
Cousin Bill 18:27
all day long. No, but with our family being so spread out now. Just Just being together for Christmas is kind of like the present. Where
John Tabis 18:35
is everybody just give people
Cousin Bill 18:36
an Ole Miss is one of my sisters is in Pittsburgh still. And then my parents and the rest of my siblings are in Charlotte. Sorry, about the
Katie Rotolo 18:47
present you being president.
Cousin Bill 18:50
That's kind of what we easy. It's cheesy.
Katie Rotolo 18:54
Together being present, right, each other's presence.
Cousin Bill 18:58
I did try try to treat myself to an early Christmas present this year. I went out on Black Friday, and tried to buy a new car, which you guys have seen. JOHN has been in my job. JOHN has been in my deathtrap in your town. It's uh, I mean, I've had it for 16 years. It's a 2003 pretty good. Yeah. It's
Katie Rotolo 19:21
good though. Shout out to Honda's
Cousin Bill 19:23
Yeah. Not one of the mileage on that sucker. 177,
John Tabis 19:27
dazing, Hondo like, Good work, folks. Yeah. Now listen, I have an odyssey because I have so many children. And it's that's a minivan for those of you are too cool to know an odyssey is it's a minivan. And the technology never, ever freaking works. But I'm sure I could drive it for 700,000 miles and it would last forever.
Cousin Bill 19:48
I could drive this thing.
John Tabis 19:52
It's kind of like, Hey, you want to put on a show for the kids and like the built in DVD thing. Cool. You can do that. And then all of a sudden there's no sound Then you spend seven minutes trying to figure out how to turn that adjustment around. And then it's like, oh, next time you put on the radio, you want to listen to country music. That's what's my wife and I like listen to, then all of a sudden that speaker doesn't work. And it's like, oh, wait, you want to get a phone call? The Bluetooth doesn't work. It's just
Cousin Bill 20:17
a disaster. Yeah, it's like Australia's to set up this board to do the
Unknown Speaker 20:22
Hey, maybe you should go work at Honda. friggin great.
Katie Rotolo 20:30
100 people
Cousin Bill 20:31
they do. Here we call them. Here's what they say do a good deed.
John Tabis 20:34
Turns out that we're not that good at technology. No joke. Really? That's the systems are bad. And wow, sorry, we can't really do anything like that any better.
Katie Rotolo 20:44
was yours manufactured here.
John Tabis 20:46
I have no idea. I have no I have no idea. Because I
Katie Rotolo 20:49
want I wonder maybe if it's like, different based on where it was me.
John Tabis 20:54
I don't know. I just know it's not good. But But man, you could drive forever. I love that too. So really quick. I got my dad bought a nine two Toyota Celica when I was 17. I think my mom hated the car so bad. And then I ended up driving it for a while. And then I ended up buying it for my parents and driving out here. For my first like, three and a half years. Yeah, me. My dad told that thing across the country. We had an 18 foot tractor trailer with like four other guys. We're going to UCLA Anderson, we like dumped everyone's stuff in Chicago. We're teed off now. And then we had my car caravans leaving. That's and then we had my car. All in we were like, yeah, Christmas vacation. And, and we drove across country from Chicago to LA and we were like 90 feet long. It was she was ridiculous. But I drove that thing until probably four years into my Disney job. And the day I decided to get rid of it was it was it's probably 90 degrees. 100 degrees in the valley. I'm driving over the hill coming back on the 405. My car would overheat immediately. And so the only way I could stop it from overheating was I would turn the heat on full blast and turn the blower up completely. Hi. I'd be wearing business casual work, like, you know, like, I don't know, high end gap slash Banana Republic kind of stuff. I am sweating into Republic but like, you know what I mean? Like there's certain shirts a gap you can pull off as if they're Banana Republic. Yeah. But they were happy with the rice. Yeah. And other ones are actually probably more both because I couldn't go all the way by accident in the cache. And I'm literally driving up the hill. I'm blasting 120 degree heat and myself, while it's 90 degrees outside of the windows down. And I'm just hoping it doesn't die, making it over the hill. 190,000 miles and I think at the time, like that's what it was. So I love that. But this is where you are now on that journey and you're ready to like, sign like it's time to put a stake through the heart finding
Cousin Bill 23:01
Okay, Honda can't pick anybody up in that car anymore. Never.
John Tabis 23:04
Yeah, you should do Hoover. Yeah, select. Oh, yeah.
Katie Rotolo 23:11
You should meet her at the restaurant anyway.
Cousin Bill 23:13
Oh, yeah. No, I'm bringing it all Sherman Oaks. I'm like, Hey, you want to meet at the Sherman which is 24 miles. Cool.
Katie Rotolo 23:23
Oh, it just happens to be my favorite bar
John Tabis 23:25
at my house. So you thought about going and buying a new car to replace the 200,000 miles
Cousin Bill 23:30
roughly better. I went in and I was like, I want this car and I want it for this car. The Dodge Challenger.
John Tabis 23:36
You're going to a Dodge Challenger, very American.
Cousin Bill 23:39
I want to have one car in my life that I just enjoy being in. I've only had two my whole life. I've had a Chevy Cavalier and this civic.
Katie Rotolo 23:47
Oh, you had a Chevy Cavalier. My first car.
Unknown Speaker 23:49
My first car was Chevy Cavalier.
Cousin Bill 23:51
Yeah. I just want a car that like when I'm in it, I'm like, this is awesome. You know, because someday, I'm gonna be driving an odyssey or something like that. And hey, man, you
Unknown Speaker 24:00
know what? It's a swag away. All right. We're rolling. We're rolling.
Katie Rotolo 24:06
Make your way back.
Unknown Speaker 24:09
Cousin Bill 24:11
that's my life. You know, whenever I get there, but I'm not there yet. So it is actually the joy the challenges
John Tabis 24:17
driving an odyssey and it's not the Odyssey it's any minivan is the most emasculating lane. My wife is so mad at that car every she's like, I'm so mad that I'm getting in this car. But it's also the only one
Katie Rotolo 24:30
wave hates it, too. It's not just
John Tabis 24:32
Oh, yeah. No, I actually, I'm okay with it. Because I understand like, I'm fine with the functionality. My wife is like, I want to murder this car. It never works. Yes, exactly. It's like, I just want to answer a call like this. Let me answer the freaking call.
Katie Rotolo 24:49
I'm on my way to pick up the kids. And I really wish
John Tabis 24:55
and I already know that everyone's looking at me like I'm super lame. And that's up problem. But I just want to answer the phone. Yeah. And then if not like I just, oh, this is the worse This is worse. So look, they have the DVD backup cameras. They have it does have a reverse camera. Yes, it has. It has a right lane change camera.
Katie Rotolo 25:15
Jon's totally right here we go.
John Tabis 25:17
Here we go. These are awesome. I didn't we didn't we didn't. Although By the way, we have to have another lesson on how to buy a car. I have a whole thing. No, I
Cousin Bill 25:27
didn't get the car so we can do that. You were
John Tabis 25:30
buying a used car. This is your new car. Yeah. So fancy. Yeah, bills.
I have a whole thing on how to buy a car like I got it from my professor at UCLA. economist. We're going to go that another.
Katie Rotolo 25:48
I had that a few years ago. My favorite thing to a car dealership right before they close to get my car appraised.
John Tabis 25:57
Alright, screw it. I'm gonna work on lesson right now. This is given the biz we're gonna give you by car, right? This is gonna be our Bible lesson. I learned several Yeah, yeah, everyone get ready for it. So is
Katie Rotolo 26:09
there a freestyle?
John Tabis 26:10
Yeah, yeah, exactly. There's more beers. And there's, yeah, it's Christmas time. And yeah, we're gonna be general being married.
Katie Rotolo 26:17
So married,
John Tabis 26:18
that the number one. Katie Rotolo is falling over and laying into wiggum and made her way Oh, and she's snorting. Alright, guys, we're not to restrict the beer next time. I don't know. I don't know if going free for all the right answer. Alright, so here's how you buy a car. And this is not for me, I can't remember who taught me this in business school, but it's how you play her. So the biggest problem when you go into a car dealership is that you have no information and they have all the information, right? They know what their lowest prices they're going to go for. They know all the fees that they might charge you for. They know all the other sort of like this, and that they might find ways to make money from you. And you have no none of that. And what what happens is you end up in this place where you get stuck. And so the way you combat that is that you flip the script and you make it to a place where you actually have the information they don't have. And so what you do is you say to all the dealerships within like 100 mile radius, Hey, everybody, in three days, I'm gonna buy a car from one of you. I'm sending this email the same time to all the dealerships within 100 mile radius. And I'm going to buy this car for this price with these options. And if you're the first one to respond and say, Yes, I will take the deal from you. You send it out to 1715 2010 dealerships at the exact same moment. One of them, at least, probably two or three will write you back within three or four hours. And because they committed via email, they'll do the deal. Because if they said yes, they're making at least 100 bucks, and that salesperson, all they have to do is make 100 bucks, and they're good, and they're moving forward. Their goal is to just get volume through. They don't need to make $1,000 off of everybody. They just need to make $1,000 off the sucker that comes after you for you. You can just make 100 bucks, they're not gonna lose money. That's never gonna happen. So it is you do your research he got in true car and all these sites where it's like, this is what the average price paid is for these things that I want. You tell everyone in the neighborhood, I'm going to buy tomorrow I'm ready to go I got a $5,000 downpayment or I got a $10,000 payment, whatever you have, and I'm going to buy tomorrow or Wednesday or Thursday at 10:30am. Whoever says yes, first, I guarantee you you get two or three emails saying yes to a price. It's like three four or $5,000 under MSRP and way better than you ever negotiated anywhere else. Boom. You walk away. I think we bought that Odyssey with the Genki Genki Genki Bluetooth and tech for like $4,000 under like the average purchasing price in Los Angeles, because I sent an email to like 12 people who actually did it and two of them said yes. And I went to the guy who has a shorter drive. And that goes through internet sales dude. $100 sale boom is paying 25 Yeah, the internet sales guys always like the youngest dude. He's got no like rap on him. He's just taking whatever he gets. Boom. 100 bucks. He's happy. He's making money. You cough a lot.
Katie Rotolo 29:26
You know what I should have done that. The last time I bought a car actually I bought two cars in Los Angeles and there's a Rotolo Chevrolet. So I probably have really screwed.
Unknown Speaker 29:37
I'm the rich one.
Katie Rotolo 29:38
I emailed the guys over there and been like, hey,
John Tabis 29:50
look, here's the thing. They're just moving cars. Yeah, that's their only job is to move. Cars shields
Katie Rotolo 29:56
in general. Like I remember I used to sell gym memberships. And there's always like you said, there's always a minimum that they're willing to go to. And if you just come in and you're gonna be at or above that minimum
John Tabis 30:09
be like a buck above the minimum. Well, yeah, do your research and figure out what that is. Yeah, so that challenge is yours, bro. Bill's gonna buy a challenger. Like, that's bad. That's an American car. Yeah,
Katie Rotolo 30:22
no, I watched that. You know, it's, oh my gosh. Oh, wow. Look at the universe.
Unknown Speaker 30:27
Katie Rotolo 30:27
you're gonna get that car. You know how I know. But because
John Tabis 30:33
I was like, frantically googling all the challengers in LA right now
Katie Rotolo 30:36
like you're so years ago, I did background on a show where the cars they were using for stunts and flipping was the challenger. Oh, hope I don't flip it. And I will know but you're the stunt guy. Gosh, darn it. I don't want to tie that and I appreciate it just reminded me dodge challengers and chargers. Yeah,
John Tabis 31:00
what what we've learned here is what have we learned Don't try to buy a car on Black Friday without going to truecar or somewhere else and getting like 17 other bids. It's okay to be a creaser. It's okay. Or not. It's okay to be super religious, as well or not. It's okay to spend a ton of money on people for things or experiences. Whatever floats your boat. Merry Christmas. Let's say you cater jello
Katie Rotolo 31:28
coming up on today. Tom Cruise has a new movie and we're gonna be talking to him. Hey, funny man. Al Franken will be stopping by for a visit. And Wolfgang Puck shares his recipe for apple strudel. Hey, so stay tuned, because we've got all this and more coming up in the next hour.
Unknown Speaker 31:45
Oh, well. Nevermind. Oh, that was great.
Cousin Bill 31:49
That was a good one.
John Tabis 31:53
The chin throw was legitimate. Thanks, guys. What's up in the news? Can you tell me
Katie Rotolo 31:58
mostly Try not to shout too much in people's here. So in the news, we have some fun stuff going on since the holidays, right?
Unknown Speaker 32:06
Yeah, people are spending cash. Everyone's happy. So yay, business cards for you
Katie Rotolo 32:13
Cards Against Humanity. Cards Against Humanity has the most genius marketing, you guys.
Cousin Bill 32:24
So you guys are so good.
John Tabis 32:25
And by the way, can we get like for the 7% of people that don't know what Cards Against Humanity is? Tell us what that is?
Katie Rotolo 32:33
It's a hilarious adult card game.
Unknown Speaker 32:35
Katie Rotolo 32:37
It's a party, which is totally silly. Yeah, it's just really silly, ridiculous questions, but
John Tabis 32:42
they've built a massive business on this huge
Katie Rotolo 32:44
and it really is their their marketing is so it's so funny. So they had this big sale yesterday, where they were running off 19 99% calm, and they were literally giving 99% off all of their deals. So they were marking things up at $3,995 like Bill Pullman's flightsuit from Independence Day, and then selling it for 39. day
Cousin Bill 33:10
John Tabis 33:13
marks our
Unknown Speaker 33:15
independence day.
Unknown Speaker 33:18
We won't go silently into the night.
Unknown Speaker 33:23
We won't
John Tabis 33:25
give up without a fight. That's all I remember.
Cousin Bill 33:29
That's pretty good. It's pretty good. It was pretty good.
Katie Rotolo 33:32
Um, anyway, so they were just basically you had to stay on their website long enough to watch this thing tick down. So let's say bill Pullman's suit is going on sale in 12 minutes. And so you would stay on their site, as if you were a child calling a radio station back in the day, you know, yeah. And so Alex and I were both on our phones, refreshing. And it was basically just counting down and then at the very last second, it would change over to buy and it was like an actual button you could click once it became available, and I don't know how many they had available. I need to actually look into it cuz it's just happened for for those of you listening, thanksgiving just happened. But it was hilarious because they had all these items Alex bid on some. It was a statue of some God and it was several $1,000 You know, it was it was marked up insane. I think he was going to get it for 20 for for I don't know $25 or something insane. And then there was another one we bid on a yurt that year, which nice oh, granola and like this is my dream house forever. It was forever was worth several $1,000 I believe it I don't have it in front of me. I said but it was several $1,000 and then it was 99% off so it was $62 I think it was well over five grand right. And and and you're like oh my god. You're Ever, and then you spend all this time on their site. So it was just it was so funny. And they they just every year they
Cousin Bill 35:10
have been so good. Like they have the company to the bought a piece of the border, right
Katie Rotolo 35:17
last year. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 35:19
Yeah. Oh, good.
Unknown Speaker 35:21
Like Good Luck putting a wall. Yeah.
Katie Rotolo 35:25
We're gonna buy this. And if you want to buy in, you also own a portion of that. So yeah, last year, that's how I found out about all this craziness that they do is Yeah, we so we actually own a Porsche, Porsche. And you get like 15 extra playing cards, all through the season that they mail you with a really cool little letter, and you add them to your deck.
Cousin Bill 35:45
Maybe put your years down there, once you once you get it, because I own that land. Whatever. You will be launching the largest stereo
Unknown Speaker 35:58
battle in the history of mankind. Go Bill Pullman.
Cousin Bill 36:02
You tell them did you get the sooner
Katie Rotolo 36:08
you get it. I want to read you the description because they had some really funny descriptions. So the description for Bill Pullman's actual flight suit from Independence Day is what they call it on the site. And like I said, it's marked down from 399 3995 to $39.95. And the description says, We will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on, we're going to survive. Today, we celebrate our independence day. But it's all bulleted as part of the description. so ridiculous. And they just it's just they're hilarious.
Unknown Speaker 36:53
But as the day when the world declared in one voice, we will not go quietly.
Cousin Bill 36:59
We will not without a fight. We're going to live on
Unknown Speaker 37:04
and we're going to buy currency against humanity.
Katie Rotolo 37:06
We're selling because we're capitalists, all kinds of reasons. They sold a Prius.
Cousin Bill 37:12
Wow. Yeah, look, that's just anger. That's
John Tabis 37:16
just pure viral. Pop Culture marketing at its best. And there are so few that are great at it. And they're easily one of the best. Because
Katie Rotolo 37:24
nice ants, you guys, you could have got live,
John Tabis 37:26
they just find ways to insert themselves in the conversation and it's completely relevant. It's a card game. Yeah. To play when you're drunk when you're like 29 Yeah, cuz you're more You're too sophisticated for like quarters. But you're like you're not too old yet to like stop playing drinking game, right? And yet, somehow that's what happens. Trust me. There's no drinking games when you're at my age young bucks.
Cousin Bill 37:51
Thank you guys for that. I definitely know what sorry, the last thing funny.
John Tabis 38:00
Everybody pause while Okay, last thing. One of the things
Katie Rotolo 38:05
was it was an $800 Applebee's gift card. Which was going for $8. God,
Cousin Bill 38:15
I'm so sad. I didn't know about Wow.
Unknown Speaker 38:18
That's amazing. Oh, no, no, it
Katie Rotolo 38:20
wasn't a Prius. Sorry. It was a Ford Fiesta 99% 2015 Ford Fiesta for $97. And
Unknown Speaker 38:27
it could have been your new car. Almost
John Tabis 38:30
seriously, the Bluetooth probably worked better than my Honda Odyssey. Yeah, just saying. Against Humanity. What else is up, Katie? retana.
Katie Rotolo 38:38
Freaking funny. Oh my gosh, love it. So we're also talking about the forecast of holiday sales, which I will be
Unknown Speaker 38:45
spending john is excited about.
Katie Rotolo 38:47
He keeps saying people he's been in the National Retail Federation, also known as the NRF. forecast that this year, holiday sales will increase between 4.3 and 4.8%. So over the past five years, there's been an average annual increase of 3.9%. And so they're expecting that to grow. So it will be from last year there'll be an increased from 717.4 or 5 billion with a B dollars to $720.89 billion.
John Tabis 39:21
Yeah, here's a little three. Here's the thing, the point whatever, when you're in billions is now like a lot of freaking money. It's a billion it's it's in the billions. billion dollars.
Unknown Speaker 39:35
I wish you could see my pinky.
John Tabis 39:37
Going back to it, like people are just there. They'd be spending Yeah, they'd be spending on lots of stuff, the experiences, the presence, the gifts, the this and that. And I think what's what's odd is that I feel like there's this weird tension in in sort of the average household around these topics. And yet, the number keeps getting higher and higher and higher. And maybe it's driven by the top 1%, or whatever it is. Maybe it's your marketing and smartest bar market. I don't know what the combination is. But it feels like this place where there's this general message of like, we don't have enough yet. At least at this time of the year, we splurge like crazy, right? We're okay with going over the top row. As we do this, honestly, we're like, I like, Hey, man, like, why not get this thing? It's like, it feels special. But let's just go for it. Yeah, talk about this with family travel. We live on the west coast, our family lives way back east. And it's sort of like, when do we decide that buying an entire row in an airplane is too expensive? And what we say is like, well, the kids are only three once. So we're gonna do it. And the next year, the kids are only for one as
Katie Rotolo 40:47
well. And now that you have a family, I mean, aren't you kind of always buying a whole row on an airplane, no matter where we go, whether you're traveling or your family is traveling to you, you're you're kind of spending,
John Tabis 40:57
they're all kind of sort of close in one region. And we're not, right. So if you're going to them, if we're going to see them, then we're going to pay for a row of five because that's, that's our lot in life. And, and we ultimately decide, yes, it's worth it. Because the experience of being with family at that holiday is worth way more than the money that we're going to sacrifice as a result. And I wonder how much of that feeling sort of permeate society, which is like, hey, the feeling of having my kids feel like they had an amazing Christmas morning. Yeah, we can't technically afford the budget. But whatever. Like there are only three ones. So they're only five once, and I'll figure out the rest of the stuff later. And, look, I don't think the intent is bad. Right. But obviously, it's fueling some crazy business, which is, you know, great for the economy. It's free for growth is great for jobs. And you know, but
Katie Rotolo 41:51
it sucks, and you got to buy those planes. It's like, Well, yeah, we were talking about this earlier, you know, are you going home for Christmas, can you? And it's like, well, when plane tickets alone. And we're just to I can't even imagine having
Unknown Speaker 42:03
the full row.
Katie Rotolo 42:04
Yeah, the whole row. But it's 12 $100 to fly home for Christmas. And that's just a fly home, by the way, so not including maybe your baggage and
John Tabis 42:13
move that we're doing this year for those that are wondering about how to save some cash, the holidays. Now granted, not everyone can do it this way. But we're flying home on the 17th and flying back on the 24th. So we're leaving the week prior to everyone else leaving. So the prices aren't cheap, but they're way cheaper. And if we're going at the peak time what's flying back the exact same deal, like oh, and then flying back on the 24th no one's traveling north because no one's like be traveling in the midst of Christmas Eve. But we're then we're back for Christmas here on the 25th
Katie Rotolo 42:46
do you have Christmas at home? Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 42:49
Yeah. To be like some time with the fam. That's awesome.
Cousin Bill 42:53
Thanks, catch. Oh, um, well, I
Katie Rotolo 42:54
was just gonna say actually young people.
Unknown Speaker 42:56
Okay, cut out that thanks. Me spending,
Katie Rotolo 43:00
which is interesting.
Cousin Bill 43:04
For the kids do it.
Katie Rotolo 43:06
No young adults are most they say most likely to spend even more this year. So the National Retail Federation, President and CEO said that, that the purchasing power will be seeing for the first time of Gen Z and millennials. Oh, interesting. Yeah, that Well,
John Tabis 43:25
yeah. Millennials though, have been felt for a while. It's more Gen Z, right? Because Millennials are like, average age is like 39. Well,
Katie Rotolo 43:31
you call him bill out?
Cousin Bill 43:32
Oh, we've had this talk before. Yeah. What's up? But um,
Katie Rotolo 43:37
yeah, so only 9% of people over the age of 65 say they're planning to spend more, and 43% of people ages 18 to 24 and 38% of them that are 25 to 34 said they will be spending more this year so young people are revolting.
John Tabis 43:56
Yeah, just spending like crazy.
Cousin Bill 43:58
Yeah, no money man a man. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,
Unknown Speaker 44:01
what's up next?
Unknown Speaker 44:02
Bill, sir. Well, I've
Cousin Bill 44:04
got a holiday themed game for us to play.
John Tabis 44:07
So glad we're planning gaming and I feel like it's I know
Cousin Bill 44:09
it's been a long time. We're doing jingle biz trivia. But don't
John Tabis 44:18
say mama bears Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, time and Jingle Bells. Time dancing, France and play Bill Pullman again
Cousin Bill 44:31
All right, so this is multiple choice. You guys. Both get a guess. And here we go. How many million
Unknown Speaker 44:46
worst, just the worst. Can we fire it?
Unknown Speaker 44:48
We can't fire him. Absolutely.
John Tabis 44:50
I'm running the soundboard people.
Katie Rotolo 44:53
You have no idea
Cousin Bill 44:58
how many million dollars This mystery is on average are sold in the US every year. Oh, a 10 to 15 million. b 25. To 30 million. c 40. To 45 million. d 60. To 65 million.
Katie Rotolo 45:17
Do we pick and then we don't?
Unknown Speaker 45:19
I'm gonna just keep it. Yeah, I got mine.
Unknown Speaker 45:22
I got mine.
Unknown Speaker 45:23
Cousin Bill 45:25
Oh 40 to 45 million Jake's The correct answer is D 25. To 30 now both terrible classic. When in doubt go with C. Well,
John Tabis 45:37
my thought process was just like 330 million people. Yeah, you got to figure those like to per house or at least 150 million people and they're gonna figure like,
Cousin Bill 45:45
the closest one that's the closest answer.
John Tabis 45:48
So it was like I was looking in your face. See?
Cousin Bill 45:54
Number two. What year was the tickle me Elmo Christmas? What year was tickle me Elmo. That must have Christmas gift. Oh, 1993. I have a beach 1996 c 1999. d, the year 2000.
Katie Rotolo 46:13
You said you have information on this. That sounds unfair.
Cousin Bill 46:15
Well, I mean, history to happen.
John Tabis 46:17
So like,
Katie Rotolo 46:19
oh, but your kids aren't that old. These these bolts are from
John Tabis 46:22
I know when he when he gave me the dates. I got less confident. Because apparently it was like still a thing. Four years ago right now might
Cousin Bill 46:31
be years ago in 1993 1996 1999 and 2000. There was a year where it was absolutely insane. Were you there was the must have gift? I'm so torn.
Unknown Speaker 46:43
I got my
Cousin Bill 46:47
Okay, go 9999 The correct answer is B. 1996. Wow, really?
Unknown Speaker 46:56
High School 96. I
Katie Rotolo 46:58
mean, I was thinking about it so much. Because, because not to get morbid. But my dad passed away in 2001. And I had an Elmo toy from him. And it wasn't a Christmas one. But it was just like a so for me. It was like I had to be around. Like, but I think it might still exist at my with my stepmom somewhere in a box. Hey, and that was
John Tabis 47:23
when my son was to he got a hug me out. Like the next generation of like, yeah, give him a hug. Physically
Cousin Bill 47:31
hug. Yeah, so
John Tabis 47:32
I my thought was like, Oh, it's not that far before that. I was thinking like, yeah, maybe it's like in 2011 2010 but then bill came out these 90s numbers and I was like
Cousin Bill 47:46
alright, let's let's see if 00 Yeah. Number three. In what state that the first Santa Claus appear in a department store. First time a new york be Pennsylvania. See? Massachusetts. De Florida. Oh,
John Tabis 48:06
impure where
Cousin Bill 48:08
are they in the Santa Claus appear for the first time in a department store in the Hartmann store?
John Tabis 48:14
Yeah. Got it. Okay. Well,
Katie Rotolo 48:16
nothing good ever comes out of Florida and I'm from I can say that.
Unknown Speaker 48:21
Cousin Bill 48:23
is eliminated D All right. I got one thing I love. I got mine.
Katie Rotolo 48:28
Okay, ready? Let's say at the same time. Yep.
Unknown Speaker 48:29
New York Sylvania
Cousin Bill 48:32
John Tabis 48:37
The Christmas
Cousin Bill 48:39
amazing. Wow.
John Tabis 48:41
Wow. I was I was purely going on the math which is like hey, look, there's a lot back then. There was a lot of people live in New York and not a lot of people live somewhere else. So if someone
Cousin Bill 48:52
is in New York that's gonna show up.
Katie Rotolo 48:55
Too easy like Macy's Day Parade?
John Tabis 48:58
Yeah, you are the next level on my intelligence has also by the way, my head The only thing I was picturing was a Christmas story.
Cousin Bill 49:07
Yeah, the whole way. Yeah.
John Tabis 49:09
I like to shoot your out kid was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa. And he kicks him down the slide. We love We love marathon. We Well, we watch the marathon. On all day long, like the back of you. Is this something you know about games? Oh, you
Katie Rotolo 49:22
know, I just my mom loves it's a wonderful,
Cousin Bill 49:25
wonderful, wonderful
Unknown Speaker 49:27
wonderful, wonderful,
Katie Rotolo 49:29
wonderful life yeah, that's what we watch every Christmas
John Tabis 49:31
we we've actually gone to the house in Cleveland yet the museum which is pretty amazing. It's a wonderful. No Christmas lamp in the window. And yeah, it's pretty. You can like go underneath the sink and hide like really? Yeah. It's pretty awesome.
Unknown Speaker 49:47
That's so cool. Come
John Tabis 49:48
on. That's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing.
Cousin Bill 49:52
Alright, number.
Unknown Speaker 49:53
How many are left?
Cousin Bill 49:53
There's two left. All right,
Unknown Speaker 49:55
we get
Cousin Bill 49:55
you guys got to get this game
John Tabis 49:57
out right now. It's not about me versus you. It's about us. versus bill. Yeah, cuz one on us. That's the one right? Yeah. Yeah, but maybe there may be some winking
Cousin Bill 50:08
Alright, number four. What is the best selling Christmas song of all time? Oh, a white Christmas by Bing Crosby. Be All I want for Christmas is you Mariah Carey? See grandma got run over by a reindeer Elmo and Patsy D This one's for the children's New Kids on the Block. Wait, what? I have a throne and kltv
Unknown Speaker 50:32
Cousin Bill 50:35
Oh, that's a Christmas song. Right Stuff. He did a Christmas album. First kiss. This one some of the challenger keys. Sorry Lena
Johnson All right.
John Tabis 50:52
So we got we got sorry Bing Crosby
Cousin Bill 50:55
by Chris Wragge. Carrie. Yep. And grandma got run over by Randy Oh
John Tabis 50:59
man. That's like growing up that was the song My dad when that came on. It was like blast that was so Pittsburgh polka Polish Middle of Nowhere was so great like your
Katie Rotolo 51:09
grandmother hate it because my mom I never heard it from my grandma. But my mom always said that my grandma hated that song.
John Tabis 51:18
I don't know what she thought of it. Honestly. I don't know. My mom also you know and her friends on her back phone bom bom grandma. Alright, right. Where are you at? Katie? I'm gonna let you go first. I have my answer. No, no, we're
Unknown Speaker 51:36
gonna go at the same time All right.
Cousin Bill 51:41
Mariah Carey pin Crosby
John Tabis 51:48
Come on. For sure. The marketing engine behind that with like, you know you got you got the what's the movie? Love Actually. Come on. Bing Crosby. So famous. So amazing. Yeah, Ramy.
Cousin Bill 52:07
This is not how I saw this. All right, number five. Like someone getting in it's
John Tabis 52:14
like one or maybe more than zero. More than zero. All right, number five. Come on. Katie rose. Hello.
Cousin Bill 52:21
What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time? Hey, oh, you
John Tabis 52:25
have my guess.
Cousin Bill 52:26
Be The Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey. See the Santa Claus with Tim Allen? Or de homeloan.
Katie Rotolo 52:35
Ready? Hon.
Cousin Bill 52:38
JOHN, when was an option I got?
office number two, we win. We win.
Unknown Speaker 52:51
I can't believe is that. Oh, I got home alone. Can
Cousin Bill 52:54
you believe that office number two? No. But
John Tabis 52:57
that is actually kind of shocked. Yeah.
Katie Rotolo 53:00
My brain that it was elf and I didn't even listen
John Tabis 53:03
to the last one.
Cousin Bill 53:07
John Tabis 53:08
I thought for sure. We were like you looked at me like I know it. I was like, Oh, I know it. I got excited. Yeah. Well, let's be fair, like Will Ferrell as like a large a large elf is pretty amazing.
Cousin Bill 53:19
Last last question. Last question. This is the most important thing to talk about. It's just it's not even it's not even a trivia question. This is a question I have. Is diehard. A Christmas movie? Hell yes. Yes, it is a correct answer. One on that of course it is.
John Tabis 53:39
And with that, everybody thank you for joining us for our Christmas episode of giving the biz. At give them the biz gi ve m th e bi z, please keep sharing the episode. At some point we will have per Mike Agus, a link to shop us on Amazon to support the show and that will be the bomb. But really so appreciate everyone listening and tuning in and sharing it with their friends and family. Please keep doing that help us make this pirate ship a bonafide cruise ship. And if you do that, then we'll do something great for you at some point and we don't know what that is because we don't have any resources whatsoever.
Unknown Speaker 54:18
Some booze? Oh, yeah.
John Tabis 54:20
Dan canning booze, people. That's what comes with supporting given the beers with that happy holiday. Thank you. tracers have a good Christmas Easter's,
Cousin Bill 54:31
or everything?
John Tabis 54:33
Or Hanukkah, or none of the above or granola? or any of those things? We love all you people because you're great human beings. Well, you do.
Cousin Bill 54:43
We know that man.
Unknown Speaker 54:45
He's out. Yeah.
Cousin Bill 54:47
Thank you. Bye. Thanks for listening to give him the business podcasts from the books and podcast one. Be sure to download new episodes every Tuesday right here on podcast one on the podcast, one app or on Apple podcasts. Don't forget to rate review and share. also find us on Twitter and Instagram under the handle at give them the biz g IV e m th, E, bi z.
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